Personal Website of Bishal Deb

My primary interest is in enumerative combinatorics. I try to exactly enumerate combinatorial families of objects. I love bijective method of proofs and proof without words.
- PhD Dissertation: Enumerative combinatorics, continued fractions and total positivity Proquest Link (296 pages)
List of papers and preprints
- Continued fractions using a Laguerre digraph interpretation of the Foata--Zeilberger bijection and its variants, Combinatorial Theory, Volume 5, Issue 1 (March 2025). doi:10.5070/C65165020. (73 pages)
- Thron-type continued fractions (T-fractions) for some classes of increasing trees, arxiv preprint (62 pages).
- Continued fractions for cycle-alternating permutations, (with Alan D. Sokal). The Ramanujan Journal, (September~2024). (48 pages) doi:10.1007/s11139-024-00905-7
- Classical continued fractions for some multivariate polynomials generalizing the Genocchi and median Genocchi numbers, (with Alan D. Sokal). Advances in Applied Mathematics, Volume~161, 102756 (October~2024). doi:10.1016/j.aam.2024.102756. (92 pages)
- A remark on continued fractions for permutations and D-permutations with a weight -1 per cycle, (with Alan D. Sokal), Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 31, Issue 2 (2024) Article number: P2.14. doi:10.37236/12149. (34 pages)
- Lattice paths and branched continued fractions III. Generalizations of the Laguerre, rook and Lah polynomials , (with Alexander Dyachenko, Mathias Pétréolle, Alan D. Sokal), arxiv preprint. (86 pages)
- Coefficientwise Hankel-total positivity of the Schett polynomials, (with Alan D. Sokal), arxiv preprint. (12 pages)
- Continuously Increasing Subsequences of Random Multiset Permutations,
(with Alexander Clifton, Yifeng Huang, Sam Spiro, Semin Yoo).
European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 110, 103708 (May 2023).
doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2023.103708. (20 pages)
A shorter conference version was presented as a poster at FPSAC 2022. (12 pages) - Bijection between Increasing Binary Trees and Rook Placements on Double Staircases, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 30, Issue 1 (2023), Article number: P1.10. doi:10.37236/10926 (18 pages)
This work is based on my M2 thesis which was done under the supervision of Samuele Giraudo and Matthieu Josuat-Vergès. - Coefficientwise total positivity of some matrices defined by linear recurrences, (with Xi Chen, Alexander Dyachenko, Tomack Gilmore, Alan D. Sokal), Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 85B (2021), Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics." arXiv preprint link (12 pages)
- Multimapper: Data Density Sensitive Topological Visualization, (with Ankita Sarkar, Nupur Kumari, Akash Rupela, Piyush Gupta, Balaji Krishnamurthy), 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), doi:10.1109/ICDMW.2018.00153 (8 pages)
- Chromatic Polynomial and Heaps of Pieces, arxiv preprint. (17 pages)
- Generating varied-scale topological visualizations of multi-dimensional data (with Ankita Sarkar, Nupur Kumari, Akash Rupela, Piyush Gupta, Balaji Krishnamurthy), US Patent Office, 2021.